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7 Lagos Bike Tour




At 7LBT, we ensure that your experience on the Route of the 7 Lakes is smooth and worry-free. That’s why we provide you with a specially designed printed map that will serve as your constant guide throughout the entire journey.

Personalized Printed Map:

Before starting your journey, you will receive a personalized printed map. This map will accompany you at all times, providing detailed information about the route and its surroundings. It is designed so that you can follow the course clearly and precisely, ensuring that you don't miss a single moment of this exciting adventure.

Tambien encontraras un perfil de desnivel, donde podras ver la subidas y bajadas que tienes que atravesar y la intensidad de las misma Advertencias y Consejos: El mapa te proporcionará advertencias sobre posibles desvíos y peligros en el camino. Estos avisos te ayudarán a anticiparte y tomar las precauciones necesarias para disfrutar de un viaje seguro.

Además, encontrarás consejos y recomendaciones útiles para maximizar tu experiencia en cada etapa del recorrido.

Information and Useful Tips:

You will also find an elevation profile, where you can see the ascents and descents you have to traverse and their intensity. Warnings and Tips: The map will provide you with warnings about possible detours and hazards on the route. These notices will help you anticipate and take the necessary precautions to enjoy a safe journey.

Note: Our personalized printed map is an invaluable tool for your journey. We encourage you to make the most of the information provided and follow the directions to enjoy an unforgettable experience.